Sunday, February 10, 2008

Furniture trends get edgy

The new products and trends at the Las Vegas World Market Center Furniture Show are amazing. They are similar to previous markets; however there is an edgier expansion to the trends.

As at the last market, the black-and-white trend has not gone away. It has been expanded upon, not only in furniture but accessories. There were a lot of white sofas with black-and-white pillows, as well as sofas with dark wood contrasts, or white sofas shown with dark tables. These looks could be seen especially in the contemporary venues; however, they also transferred to the rustic and traditional looks. The contrast of light and dark is very graphic and is a favorite designer look.

The texture theme is still present. Fabrics with textures such as chenille, new textured and quilted fabrics on sofas, and ottomans.

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Cheryl's Office said...

Make sure your home office furniture fits your work style. The new modular office furniture on the market these days is very functional. My productivity has increased multifold after I purchased a new desk and filing system. With new office furniture I have found the transition from working at the business office to a home office has become easier. I have also become more productive. There are many places to buy online. I found the quality and value of the furniture you can get to be above my expectations. Check them out if you get the opportunity.

My First Biz said...

I must say Cheryl the new furniture has an elegant style to it. Many of us are working at home and I think it is a high time that I remodeled my home office.
Thanks for your info.